Apply Double Hashing to produce a n-hash
The indice of the hash function we want to produce
The result of the first hash function applied to a value.
The result of the second hash function applied to a value.
The size of the datastructures associated to the hash context (ex: the size of a Bloom Filter)
The result of hash_n applied to a value.
Generate a set of distinct indexes on interval [0, size) using the double hashing technique This function is the old method called by a lot of filters. To work in the current version, replace, the getIndexes function of the filters by this one
The element to hash
the range on which we can generate an index [0, size) = size
The number of indexes desired
The seed used
A array of indexes
Generate N indexes on range [0, size) It uses the double hashing technique to generate the indexes. It hash twice the value only once before generating the indexes. Warning: you can have a lot of modulo collisions.
The element to hash
The range on which we can generate the index, exclusive
The number of indexes we want
An array of indexes on range [0, size)
Hash an item as an unsigned int
Element to hash
The hash seed. If its is UINT32 make sure to set the length to 32
The hash value as an unsigned int
Hash an item and return its number and HEX string representation
Element to hash
The hash seed. If its is UINT32 make sure to set the length to 32
The item hased as an int and a string
(64-bits only) Hash a value into two values (in hex or integer format)
The value to hash
the seed used for hashing
The results of the hash functions applied to the value (in hex or integer)
Hash twice an element into their HEX string representations
(64-bits only) Same as hashTwice but return Numbers and String equivalent
the value to hash
the seed to change when hashing
A 64bits floating point {@link Number}
Generated using TypeDoc
Hashing class to use before v1.3.7