Add an element in this cell
The element to XOR in this cell
The hash of the element to XOR in this cell
Create an empty cell
An empty Cell
Test if another Cell is equals to this one
The cell to compare with
True if the two Cells are equals, False otherwise
Load an Object from a provided JSON object
the JSON object to load
Return the Object loaded from the provided JSON object
Test if the Cell is empty
True if the Cell is empty, False otherwise
Test if the cell is "Pure". A pure cell is a cell with a counter equal to 1 or -1, and with a hash sum equal to the id sum
True if the cell ius pure, False otherwise
Return a next random seeded int32 integer
Save the current structure as a JSON
Perform the XOR operation between this Cell and another one and returns a resulting Cell. A XOR between two cells is the XOR between their id sum and hash sum, and the difference between their count.
Cell to perform XOR with
A new Cell, resulting from the XOR operation
Constructor. To create an empty cell, you might want to use the static Cell#empty() method.
The XOR of all element inserted in that cell
The XOR of all hashed element in that cell
The number of elements inserted in that cell
Get the number of elements inserted in that cell
Get the hash sum of the Cell (The XOR of all hashed element in that cell)
Get the id sum of the Cell (The XOR of all element inserted in that cell)
Get a function used to draw random number
A factory function used to draw random integer
Get the seed used in this structure
Set the seed for this structure
the new seed that will be used in this structure
Generated using TypeDoc
A cell is an internal datastructure of an InvertibleBloomFilter. It is composed of an idSum (the XOR of all element inserted in that cell), a hashSum (the XOR of all hashed element in that cell) and a counter (the number of elements inserted in that cell).
Arnaud Grall
Thomas Minier