ottr.parsers.stottr package


ottr.parsers.stottr.lexer module

ottr.parsers.stottr.lexer.ListOf(content: pyparsing.Group, start_char: str = '(', end_char: str = ')', separator: str = ', ') → pyparsing.Group

Build a group that matches a list of the same tokens.

  • content: A Group of tokens.

  • start_char: Character at the start of the the list.

  • end_char: Character at the end of the the list.

  • separator: Character used to sperate elements in the list

ottr.parsers.stottr.lexer.lex_instances_stottr(text: str) → pyparsing.Group

Run the lexer on a set of stOTTR instances.

Argument: A set of stOTTR instances as text.

Returns: The lexed stOTTR instances.

ottr.parsers.stottr.lexer.lex_templates_stottr(text: str) → pyparsing.Group

Run the lexer on a set of stOTTR template defintions.

Argument: A set of stOTTR template defintions as text.

Returns: The lexed stOTTR template defintions.

ottr.parsers.stottr.parser module

ottr.parsers.stottr.parser.get_default_nsm() → rdflib.namespace.NamespaceManager

Get an rdflib NamespaceManager with default prefixes configured

ottr.parsers.stottr.parser.parse_instance_arguments(template_id: int, arguments: List[Union[rdflib.term.BNode, rdflib.term.Literal, rdflib.term.URIRef, rdflib.term.Variable]], nsm: rdflib.namespace.NamespaceManager = None) → List[ottr.base.argument.InstanceArgument]

Parse the arguments of a template instance.

  • template_id: ID of the template.

  • arguments: instance arguments (RDF terms) to parse.

  • nsm: Namespace manager used to expand prefixed URIs.


A list of instance arguments.

ottr.parsers.stottr.parser.parse_instances_stottr(text: str) → List[Dict[str, Union[rdflib.term.BNode, rdflib.term.Literal, rdflib.term.URIRef, rdflib.term.Variable, List[Tuple[int, Union[rdflib.term.BNode, rdflib.term.Literal, rdflib.term.URIRef, rdflib.term.Variable]]]]]]

Parse a set of stOTTR instances and returns them as objects.

The objects returned are expected to be used with the format_arguments method of a template.

Argument: Set of stOTTR instances in text format.

Returns: A list of instances built from the valid sOTTR instances provided as input.

ottr.parsers.stottr.parser.parse_template_instance(parent_template_id: int, instance: pyparsing.Group, nsm: rdflib.namespace.NamespaceManager = None) → ottr.base.template.AbstractTemplate

Parse a stOTTR template instance.

  • parent_template_id: ID of the template that owns the scope of the instance.

  • instance: instance to parse

  • nsm: Namespace manager used to expand prefixed URIs.


An OTTR template.

ottr.parsers.stottr.parser.parse_template_parameter(template_id: int, param: pyparsing.Group, nsm: rdflib.namespace.NamespaceManager = None) → Dict[str, Union[rdflib.term.BNode, rdflib.term.Literal, rdflib.term.URIRef, rdflib.term.Variable, bool]]

Parse an OTTR template parameter.

  • template_id: ID of the template.

  • param: Parameters to parse.

  • nsm: Namespace manager used to expand prefixed URIs.


A dict representation of the parsed template parameter, with fields “name” (:class`rdflib.term.Identifier`), “type” (:class`rdflib.term.URIRef`), “optional” (bool) and “nonblank” (bool).

ottr.parsers.stottr.parser.parse_templates_stottr(text: str) → List[ottr.base.template.AbstractTemplate]

Parse a set of stOTTR template definitions and returns the list of all OTTR templates.

Argument: A set of stOTTR template definitions in text format.

Returns: A list of OTTR templates built from the valid sOTTR template definitions provided as input.

ottr.parsers.stottr.parser.parse_term(term: Union[str, List[str]], nsm: rdflib.namespace.NamespaceManager = None) → Union[rdflib.term.BNode, rdflib.term.Literal, rdflib.term.URIRef, rdflib.term.Variable]

Parse a raw RDF term or a list of raw RDF Terms into the rdflib format.

  • term: (List of) RDF Term(s) to parse (in n-triples format).

  • nsm: Namespace manager used to expand prefixed URIs.


The parsed RDF term in rdflib format.

ottr.parsers.stottr.parser.unify_var(variable: rdflib.term.Variable, suffix: Union[str, int]) → rdflib.term.Variable

Makes a SPARQL Variable unique by appending a suffix to it.

  • value: Variable to make unique.

  • suffix: suffix to append at the end of the value.


A new SPARQL Variable

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